Dates to Remember
March 14 Teacher Workshop Day No School
April 13, 5:30-7:00 Cutler Open House
April 18 - 22 April Vacation
Mask Optional Policy:
As you know, last Friday, each teacher held a class meeting to discuss and prepare for the new mask optional policy that began today. Cutler School continues to be a kind, caring, and respectful community. Our goal is to make sure that everyone feels supported with their individual choices around mask-wearing. Please reach out to your child's classroom teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
Welcome to Alicia Ansara:
We are happy to welcome our new substitute Art Teacher, Alicia Ansara. Alicia will be at Cutler to cover Mrs. Brousseau's maternity leave until the end of the school year. Mrs. Brousseau and her new baby girl are home and doing well.
Fifth Grade Cutler Chronicles:
We are proud to announce the publication of the latest creative endeavor from the Cutler Fifth Grade, The Cutler Chronicles, a fortnightly newspaper beautifully produced by members of both fifth grade classes. The Cutler Chronicles includes Announcements, Riddles/Jokes, Poems, Sports Updates, Interviews, OpEd, Fiction Stories and Short Stories, Pet Stories, and Comics. Copies of the Chronicles can be picked up from the Front Office.
Attention Parent Volunteers:
Now that COVID restrictions are slowly being lifted, Cutler students will once again be able to take advantage of the much-anticipated field trip schedule we have had in place in the past. We can seldom undertake field trips without parents and caregivers giving us support and volunteering to chaperone. In order to accompany a class on a field trip, chaperones need to be CORI-checked as well as fingerprinted. If you think you would like to chaperone Cutler field trips, please register online for an appointment to have fingerprints taken at: http// Please note that when you are given a choice of agencies/sectors, you must choose PreK - 12 Grade Education. When you are asked to supply a "Provider ID" please use the following code for the Hamilton-Wenham School District: 06750000. All further questions should be addressed to Janell Powers in Central Office at
Exciting News from MSBA:
We have been officially invited by the Massachusetts School Building Administration (MSBA) into the 270 day eligibility period for the Cutler School Building Project. As you may know, the Statement of Interest submitted last year by the district was to examine the possibility of combining the Cutler and Winthrop Schools into one.
This is not a guarantee of a project, only the first step of many to come. The eligibility period is 270 days and is an opportunity for the district and the MSBA to:
Determine if the district is ready to manage and fund a major capital project
Determine the district’s financial readiness
Determine the community readiness
Provide a schedule of events throughout the 270 days
Identify needs for planning and budgeting
Please know that a building project like this has an extensive overall timeline. It could be up to 4-5 years before a shovel is put into the ground. We are excited about the project and confident that this project will be a way for our communities to come together positively for the benefit of our students and educators. If you would like to learn more you can check out the MSBA website.
Class of 2024 Fundraiser
The Hamilton Wenham class of 2024 is having an HW Generals sweatpants fundraiser to raise money for their class. Youth and adult sizes are available, and the sweatpants are NOT class-specific. They can be purchased using this google form. We appreciate your support!
News about MCAS Scheduling
MCAS season is approaching! Here are the dates by grade level:
Grade 3 ELA - April 7th & 8th
Grade 3 Math - May 12th & 13th
Grade 4 ELA - April 4th & 5th
Grade 4 Math - May 16th & 17th
Grade 5 ELA - March 31 & April 1
Grade 5 Math - May 9th & 10th
Grade 5 Science - May 19th & 20th
Dismissal & Absences:
Please be mindful that dismissal can be an extremely busy time in the Cutler parking lot. Our mission is to make sure that your children are loaded into their cars safely. Sometimes this can take a little time. At the moment we have ONE moving pick-up line, alongside the playground, in operation. Cutler staff members load four cars, and then, once filled, release them to load the next four cars. We would be most grateful if you would plan your pick up in good time so that we can avoid parents and caregivers parking on Asbury Street and walking over to collect their children, as well as cars pulling out and around stationary cars that we are still loading.
We would like to remind you that, should your child be absent for any reason, it would be most helpful if you would email the following three people: our nurse, Lynne Nardella, at, Janie Bellenis, School Secretary, at, and your child's classroom teacher. Using this system will let everyone know at the same time and ensure that everyone is fully informed.
News about Kindergarten Parent Information Night & Registration
The elementary principals would like to invite all eligible incoming kindergarten families to the 2022/23 Kindergarten Parent Information Session on Thursday, March 10th at 6:30 p.m. at Winthrop School. The Kindergarten Parent Information Session will include a general overview of the kindergarten registration and screening process, how you can prepare for kindergarten, and take a look at a typical day of a kindergartener. Registration will be March 14-19, 2022 at the Central Office. Click here to view more detailed information.
News about Social and Emotional Support in our School
We have received a number of inquiries about what social-emotional support is available for our students. With the help of our student support staff, we have outlined information below:
Social/Emotional Learning Curriculum (SEL) continues to be investigated for use in all three elementary schools. School counselors continue to update their current curriculum, Respect and Responsibility, which is used by counselors in the classrooms. Additional curricula used in the classroom by counselors includes, The Social Thinking Curriculum: used in grades K- 2, and the Compassion Project. Bounce Back is a trauma-focused curriculum used in group lessons.
This year, through the ESSR grant, a school counselor was added at the elementary level. This counselor is assigned to Winthrop School but can be utilized across the elementary schools if needed.
An ongoing discussion of student needs and services happens weekly with counselors and principals. Elementary counselors also meet weekly with the middle school social worker and Director of School Counseling.
News about Food Assistance:
With the price of heating skyrocketing, many people may be struggling to put food on the table this winter. Acord Food Pantry can offer more than just weekly food distribution to local families. If you or someone you know), are struggling this winter, Acord can provide confidential emergency assistance to anyone in need without requiring personal information. This food assistance includes fresh dairy products, eggs, meat, fish, fresh produce, and shelf-stable items such as pasta, rice, cereal, and more.
Please contact to find out how they can help.
Meeting ID: 635 060 5204
Passcode: CCCTeam