Monday, June 10, 2024

 Dates to Remember:

June 10:  3rd grade In-House Paul Revere Presentation
June 12:  5th Grade Promotion Day
June 13:  Last day of school, 11:15 dismissal

From the Office:

Please have your children check Lost and Found - or you can stop by and look for any missing items.  Anything not claimed by the end of the year will be donated.  

From the Nurse's Office:

Dear Cutler parents,

Please remember to stop by the nurse’s office on or before the last day of

school to pick up your child’s epipen, inhaler or other prescribed


Have a wonderful summer !!

Kind regards,

Darlene Budds, MSN, BSN, RN

Cutler Elementary School Nurse

From the Cafeteria:

Lunch Menus:
Here is the link to access the lunch menu:    June Lunch Menu

From Our Instructional Coach: 

Dear Families and Mathematicians,

Play this version of BINGO with your family to keep your math brain strong this summer.  Try for 5 across, 5 corners, or even the whole board!  This is an optional activity, and we encourage you to have some fun with it.   

Hang it in a safe spot and bring it back signed to your new classroom teacher when we return to school.

Happy Summer!

Mrs. Emmett-Conrad
Ms. O’Donnell
Instructional Coaches

What a year!! We've had an incredible few days to close out our 2023-24 school year - from our first ever school-wide Field Day to an AMAZING end of year celebratory Culture Fest!  A huge shout out to Ashley Serotta, Cailtlin Merril, and Jason Eppskrier for organizing and hosting such a fun-filled event on Friday for our Cutler community.  And thank you to each and everyone of you who have helped out this year - supporting events, fundraising, and our mission to enrich the Cutler elementary experience! Friends of Cutler will be reaching out over the next several weeks to solicit interest in chairing or supporting our 2024-25 school year.  If you have any questions about FOC you can reach out to Emily Puopolo ( or We'd love to hear from you, and there's always space for more helping hands. Have a wonderful summer!!!  

Monday, June 3, 2024

 Dates to Remember:

June 3:  School Store Week
June 4:  Field Day
June 5:  5th Grade Play
June 7:  FoC Cultural Festival
June 10:  3rd grade In-House Paul Revere Presentation
June 12:  5th Grade Promotion Day
June 13:  Last day of school, 11:15 dismissal

From the Principal:

Dear Cutler Families,

We had so much fun on Friday with the kindergarten classes. Black Earth delivered compost, and students weeded and planted the flower beds. There were so many joyful moments filled with authentic learning. I appreciate the connection between what we compost in our cafeteria, and the planting that we did in the school garden.

Tomorrow we will have our first whole school Field Day. The kids are so excited, I’m so grateful to Mike Sudak for coordinating the day, and I know those of you who will be volunteering will have a wonderful time with the children. Please make sure that your child has sunblock, a hat, water, snacks and a towel! 

On Friday, 5th graders will perform Shakespear’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream to our school community! They’ve been preparing and I look forward to a wonderful performance.

I personally am filled with many bittersweet feelings as I look toward my final couple of weeks in Hamilton-Wenham and ultimately in public schools. When I arrived, I was welcomed by the incredible staff at Cutler and the families and students who truly make this community uniquely warm. It has been a wonderful two years, and I feel confident that we’ve been able to accomplish much of what was needed in order to renormalize our school after the complicated impact of Covid. I know too, that the school will continue to make forward strides under the leadership of Jen Hunt. She has visited our school this spring and I’m excited for her as she leads Cutler forward… the dream school! And I mean that! 

I am also excited about my new chapter as I launch Saint George Classical Academy, down the road in Boxford. I look forward to continuing to serve the north shore communities, think about education from a different lens, and ultimately grow in new ways. I am forever grateful for the skills and knowledge I’ve gained within public schools, and for having had the opportunity to advocate for so many children, in different ways, in different roles and in different districts and schools. I have much emotion, and yet I am truly excited.

I hope to be able to connect with many of you during these next two weeks, as I will deeply miss the community, the teachers, the children and the families who make this work so meaningful. And, relationships are truly everything. Thank you all for the opportunities I’ve had at Cutler, and within the Hamilton- Wenham community.  I wish you each a beautiful summer!

Enjoy this uplifting weather, and I hope to see many of you tomorrow.


From the Office:

Volunteers/Guest Readers/Chaperones:

Good news - you are now able to check your CORI and fingerprint status in Aspen!  Here are the detailed instructions for how to do this:  How to check CORI/fingerprint status

Remember, any parent/guardian who plans to volunteer in classrooms must have a current CORI on file. To chaperone field trips or help on field day, you must have a current CORI AND Fingerprinting on file. CORI and Fingerprinting are good for all HW schools; CORI is valid for 3 years and fingerprinting for 7. Get them done early so you are not disappointed when it comes time to volunteer in classrooms, chaperone field trips or  help on field day. You can now check in Aspen whether your CORI/Fingerprinting is up to date - see instructions above. 

From the Cafeteria:

Lunch Menus:
Here is the link to access the lunch menu:    June Lunch Menu

From Our Instructional Coach: 

Dear Families and Mathematicians,

Play this version of BINGO with your family to keep your math brain strong this summer.  Try for 5 across, 5 corners, or even the whole board!  This is an optional activity, and we encourage you to have some fun with it.   

Hang it in a safe spot and bring it back signed to your new classroom teacher when we return to school.

Happy Summer!

Mrs. Emmett-Conrad
Ms. O’Donnell
Instructional Coaches

We are prepping for two very exciting days in June (amongst some fun graduation activities for our 5th graders!). Save the dates so you can join in on the fun!    
  • June 4: School wide field day 
  • June 7: Cultural Fest! Our end of year family day is going to be INCREDIBLE, so many new surprises in the works! 
Finally, we're gearing up for the 2024/25 school year.  Please reach out to Emily Puopolo ( or if you have any interest in joining the FOC board or taking the lead as a chair of one of our many fun programs or events. We'd love to have you join in!