Tuesday, May 14, 2024

 Dates to Remember:

May 13:  School Store Week
May 17:  Bike to School Day
May 17:  5th Grade Project Adventure
May 20:  3rd Grade Field Trip: Wenham Museum
May 24:  Grade 5 Outing to Beverly Bootstraps
May 27:  Memorial Day Holiday; No school
May 29:  Grade 4 State Fair
May 29:  5th Grade Transition Meeting at the MS
June 3:  School Store Week
June 4:  Field Day
June 5:  5th Grade Play
June 7:  FoC Cultural Festival
June 10:  3rd grade In-House Paul Revere Presentation
June 12:  5th Grade Promotion Day
June 13:  Last day of school, 11:15 dismissal

From the Office:

Volunteers/Guest Readers/Chaperones:

Good news - you are now able to check your CORI and fingerprint status in Aspen!  Here are the detailed instructions for how to do this:  How to check CORI/fingerprint status

Remember, any parent/guardian who plans to volunteer in classrooms must have a current CORI on file. To chaperone field trips or help on field day, you must have a current CORI and Fingerprinting on file. CORI and Fingerprinting are good for all HW schools; CORI is valid for 3 years and fingerprinting for 7. Get them done early so you are not disappointed when it comes time to volunteer in classrooms, chaperone field trips or  help on field day. You can now check in Aspen whether your CORI/Fingerprinting is up to date - see instructions above. 

From the Cafeteria:

Lunch Menus:
Here is the link to access the lunch menu:    May Lunch Menu

From the Miles River Middle School:

For our fifth grade families, here is some information from the Middle School regarding activities planned for the transition to 6th grade:  May 14 and May 15

From the District: 

The HWRSD is seeking community input for the proposed HW Elementary School Project. The project team has hosted three Community Forums since January to inform, but also create an open dialogue with all stakeholders. We have created a survey, hoping that you have had the opportunity to attend or watch one of the forums. We are asking community members to watch the most recent recorded Community Forum (the Presentation covers the first 54 mins of the recording) and then fill out brief survey to provide feedback. 

Thank you in advance for taking the time to engage in this exciting and important project.

From the Hamilton and Wenham Public Safety departments:

Bike to School Day  Friday, May 17

EdFund Golf Tournament:

The EdFund Golf Tournament is quickly approaching! Held on May 20th at Myopia Hunt Club, the day is sure to be full of lively competition. All funds raised through the day go directly to supporting Hamilton Wenham Schools. Through grants to teachers, administrators, and students, opportunities are provided for dynamic learning and teaching while enhancing existing infrastructure and promoting excellence across the schools. Please consider supporting the day and the Edfund by playing, taking advantage of one of the various sponsorship opportunities, or donating to the raffle and silent auction portion of the event. For more information please reach out to hwedfund@gmail.com. 

Thank you for all your support to create an incredible Staff Appreciation week for our team at Cutler. From the luncheon, to decorations, flowers, notes and snacks galore, we loved seeing our community come together to thank our Cutler staff.  

There are some exciting days planned for the month of May, as outlined at the start of our News to Use.  And we are prepping for two very exciting days in June (amongst some fun graduation activities for our 5th graders!). Save the dates so you can join in on the fun!    
  • June 4: School wide field day 
  • June 7: Cultural Fest! Our end of year family day is going to be INCREDIBLE, so many new surprises in the works! 
Finally, we're gearing up for the 2024/25 school year.  Please reach out to Emily Puopolo (emily.puopolo@gmail.com) or friendsofcutler@gmail.com if you have any interest in joining the FOC board or taking the lead as a chair of one of our many fun programs or events. We'd love to have you join in! 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

 Dates to Remember:

MCAS Continues (See full schedule below)
May 10:  5th Grade Cleanup Day
May 13:  School Store Week
May 13:  Code and Circuit Assembly
May 17:  Bike to School Day
May 17:  5th Grade Project Adventure
May 20:  3rd Grade Field Trip: Wenham Museum
May 24:  Grade 5 Outing to Beverly Bootstraps
May 27:  Memorial Day Holiday; No school

From the Principal:

Dear Cutler Families,

An enormous THANK YOU for providing us with the beautiful luncheon last Wednesday for Teacher Appreciation Week. We all enjoyed the lovely lunch and honestly, slowing down and being together for a bit.

This week we are already overwhelmed by the outpouring of treats, appreciations and decorations. What a joy it is to work with families who value what we do.

Thank you on behalf of all of us!

Enjoy this gorgeous weather.



From the Office:

Volunteers/Guest Readers/Chaperones:

Good news - you are now able to check your CORI and fingerprint status in Aspen!  Here are the detailed instructions for how to do this:  How to check CORI/fingerprint status

Remember, any parent/guardian who plans to volunteer in classrooms must have a current CORI on file. To chaperone field trips or help on field day, you must have a current CORI and Fingerprinting on file. CORI and Fingerprinting are good for all HW schools; CORI is valid for 3 years and fingerprinting for 7. Get them done early so you are not disappointed when it comes time to volunteer in classrooms, chaperone field trips or  help on field day. You can now check in Aspen whether your CORI/Fingerprinting is up to date - see instructions above.  

From the Health Office:

Updated COVID guidelines:   

Good afternoon, 

The Hamilton Wenham School District Nurses wish to call to your attention that 

the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) updated the guidelines for COVID-19 on March 25, 2024.  What has changed is the time when individuals can resume usual activities after illness. 

If you have new symptoms of a respiratory virus, such as a fever, sore throat, cough or a runny or stuffy nose, you should stay home and stay away from others in your household.

When you start to feel better you may begin to resume normal activities with precautions if:

  1. You have not had a fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine: AND

  2. Your other symptoms are improving.

You may still be able to spread the virus that made you sick, even if you are feeling better. 

For the first 5 days after you resume normal activities, take these extra precautions:

  • Avoid crowded indoor spaces. Wear a mask anytime you are indoors around other people 

  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol

  • Avoid spending time with people who are at increased risk for severe disease

If your symptoms get worse again: 

  • If your fever comes back or any other symptoms start to get worse, you should go back home until you are better again. Wait to resume normal activities until you have not had a fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicines AND your symptoms are improving again. When you resume normal activities, take the recommended additional precautions during the next 5 days.

Guidelines for Dismissal or Reasons to Keep Your Child Home from School:

In an effort to minimize the spread of contagious illness, the Hamilton Wenham Regional School District has developed the following guidelines for determining whether your child needs to be sent home or stay home from school: Fever (elevated temperature of 100.0 or higher). Must remain home until fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicines, such as Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or Ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil).
Vomiting or diarrhea. May return to school 24 hours after the last episode.
Generalized rash of unknown origin. Must be evaluated by a doctor and provide a note for re-entry into school.
Live head lice. Must be treated at home, and then re-checked by the school nurse, preferably with a parent/guardian present, upon return to school.
Red or pink itchy eyes with crusty and/or green/yellow drainage. May return to school when there is no drainage and/or on medication for 24 hours.
Strep throat. May return 12-24 hours after beginning antibiotic treatment and feeling better.
Uncontrollable cough or symptoms that make your child unable to function in the classroom.

These are guidelines. The School Nurse reserves the right to dismiss students who, in their professional opinion, are possibly contagious or are too ill to be in school.

From the Cafeteria:
Lunch Menus:
Here is the link to access the lunch menu:    May Lunch Menu

From the Miles River Middle School:
For our fifth grade families, here is some information from the Middle School regarding activities planned for the transition to 6th grade:  

From the District: 
  1. The HWRSD is seeking community input for the proposed HW Elementary School Project. The project team has hosted three Community Forums since January to inform, but also create an open dialogue with all stakeholders. We have created a survey, hoping that you have had the opportunity to attend or watch one of the forums. We are asking community members to watch the most recent recorded Community Forum (the Presentation covers the first 54 mins of the recording) and then fill out brief survey to provide feedback. 

Thank you in advance for taking the time to engage in this exciting and important project.

  1. Eclipse Glasses Give-Back Program: The HW EdFund will be collecting any undamaged eclipse glasses you may have in May. They will be sending them to send to schools in Latin America so the school-aged children can view the October 2024 Eclipse. 

From the Hamilton and Wenham Public Safety departments:

Bike to School Day  Friday, May 17

From the Hamilton Health Department:  Diaper Drive:  Deadline to drop off diapers/wipes is this Friday, May 10

Annual Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive: 

The annual Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive to benefit Acord Food Pantry will be held on Saturday, May 11th. Please place non-perishable, unexpired food by your mailbox by 8:00 a.m. that morning and a letter carrier will pick it up for delivery to Acord. Please go to acordfoodpantry.org/food-donations for an updated list of our most needed items. Thank you for your support!

EdFund Golf Tournament:

The EdFund Golf Tournament is quickly approaching! Held on May 20th at Myopia Hunt Club, the day is sure to be full of lively competition. All funds raised through the day go directly to supporting Hamilton Wenham Schools. Through grants to teachers, administrators, and students, opportunities are provided for dynamic learning and teaching while enhancing existing infrastructure and promoting excellence across the schools. Please consider supporting the day and the Edfund by playing, taking advantage of one of the various sponsorship opportunities, or donating to the raffle and silent auction portion of the event. For more information please reach out to hwedfund@gmail.com. 

Staff Appreciation week is here, May 6th -10th!  Check out the infographic below to get an idea of the fun ways our FoC staff appreciation leads, Elizabeth Bellucci and Mariel Souza, have come up with to celebrate our wonderful Cutler Staff!  As part of the celebration, we are looking for volunteers who would like to sign up for any of the following opportunities:
  • contribute to the Friday, May 10th dessert snack table
  • donate to the daily prize drawing
If you are interested, please use this link for more details and to sign up. Thank you so much for your support!

Key dates for you to know: 
  • May 6-10: Staff appreciation week! Help us celebrate our incredible Cutler team, more details to come soon! 
  • May 22: Spring music concert
  • June 4: School wide field day! 
  • June 7: Cultural Fest! Our end of year family day is going to be INCREDIBLE, so many new surprises in the works! 
Finally, we're gearing up for the 2024/25 school year.  Please reach out to Emily Puopolo (emily.puopolo@gmail.com) or friendsofcutler@gmail.com if you have any interest in joining the FOC board or taking the lead as a chair of one of our many fun programs or events. We'd love to have you join in!